For your convenience, we provide direct third party billing for most extended health insurance providers. Your insurnace may cover a portion of your eye exam, glasses, and/or contacts. Please bring your extended health insurance card to your appointment. Some extended health companies we can bill include:
Blue Cross, Blue Cross Advantage, Chamber of Commerce, Dejardins, Equitable Life, Great West Life, Green Shield, GroupHEALTH, Industrial Alliance, Johnson Inc., Manulife Financial, Maximum Benefit/Johnston Group, RWAM, SSQ, Standard Life, Sun Life Financial, and more!
If we are unable to direct bill your extended health insurance, then you will be required to pay for your exam and we will provide a receipt for you to submit for reimbursement.
Children ages 6 months to 18 years are eligible for a routine eye examination with presentation of a valid MSP health care number at our clinic. Children with valid MSP are also eligible for coverage if they have an eye health condition. Children should have their eyes examined at least once per year. Glasses are not eligible for coverage under MSP.
Seniors 65+ receive a partial coverage for their annual examinations with presentation of a valid MSP health care number. Seniors should have their eyes examined at least once per year. The balance of the eye examination fee may be billed to extended health or may need to be paid privately by the individual. Glasses are not eligible for coverage under MSP.